we had a fun weekend in wichita falls! pictures to come as soon as i get overcome the laziness that is preventing me from unhooking the internet cable from the back of the CPU and hooking it up to the laptop. laziness is a real problem for me lately... i need to do something about that .
anyway, we drove to wichita falls friday night, and got to the house that jill, her boyfriend richard, and his mom sharon share, in time for a late dinner before climbing into bed. we ate tacos and rice and beans, then richard blew up the air mattress for us in the guest bedroom/office. the kids and i slept on that while josh slept on the bottom bunk bed. saturday morning josh woke up and got richard out of the house so jill, the kids and i could start getting ready for richard's surprise 40th birthday party! (the main reason for our visit). once they were gone, we got out all the snacks, sodas and party supplies. around noon, as guests were starting to arrive, rowan and i ducked out the door to go buy bags of ice. josh and richard returned at 12:30 (rowan and i were still at CVS, so i missed their entance), and richard was totally surprised! a friend of the family grilled hot dogs and burgers, and everyone lounged around eating and chatting for the next couple of hours. someone else bought yummy chocolate and vanilla birthday cupcakes. jill and richard's neighbors came with their three young children, and they kept micah and rowan busy. it was a really fun, relaxed party.
once everybody left, josh and richard both took afternoon naps (they had both stayed up late the night before playing video games together) while jill, sharon and i cleaned up the party debris. there was a ton of food and cupcakes leftover, and we snacked around a bit for the rest of the late afternoon. around 5 or 6 o'clock, jill and richard took us to see this really cool, outdoor skating park near their house. micah enjoyed climbing and sliding down all the big bowls and ramps made for rollerbladers and skateboarders to zoom around on. we were hoping to get to watch some of those in action, but i guess it was a little too cool and overcast for anyone to be out. after that, we drove into burkburnett (maybe a 15 minute drive from wichita falls) to eat dinner at the feedlot restaurant, one of jill and richard's favorites - and i can totally see why. the food was delicious; it reminded me of the black-eyed pea. we all had an awesome meal, and jill and i split some homemade raspberry crisp for dessert - yum! after dinner we went back to their house, and i tried to get the kids to bed early so us four adults could play on the wii for a while, but that did not happen. they were all riled up from the excitement of being in a new place and seeing new things, so it took forever for them to settle down and go to sleep. by the time they did, i was too sleepy myself to get back up and join the others in the living room.
the next morning we all slept in, and had a late breakfast of party leftovers. after we'd all showered and changed, we drove a few blocks to lucy park, a beautiful bike and nature trail alongside the wichita river. we walked up the trail to where the official "falls" of wichita falls are located, but they'd been shut down due to a lot of mud and debris in the water that could clog the pumps. micah had a fantastic time, nevertheless, climbing on all the rocks with her daddy. and rowan had a blast finding sticks and scraping them around in the mud. we took lots of wonderful pictures, which i will post soon!
after our nature walk, jill and richard took us to a butterfly conservatory - but we got to see so much more than butterflies! micah, josh, richard and i (jill stayed with rowan in the car while he napped) got to say hello to a tarantula, two turtles, a toad, a millipede, a hissing cockroach, two quail, and about a dozen butterflies! everybody but the quail and butterflies were housed inside the conservatory building, in terrariums, and the guide was nice enough to let micah feel the millipede's legs and the hissing cockroach's back (she was so brave!). outside, in the glass-enclosed butterfly habitat, there were lots of native plants, a pair of cute quail named bonnie and clyde, and, of course, beautiful butterflies dancing all around above our heads. a black and blue one even landed on my hand. it was such a fun, exciting experience!
next, we went to diner at a mexican food place down the street. after dinner, we headed back home and josh and i got all our stuff packed into the car. we said our goodbyes and left for home around 6:30, sunday night. and that was our awesome weekend. : )