Wednesday, January 6, 2010

i enrolled micah in pre-k today. i'm freakin out a little bit. the florence parons pre-kindergarten school is right down the street from our house, and i noticed it when we moved in. it looked like it was part of the public school system. i didn't really think anything more about it then. then josh and i had several conversations over the summer about whether we wanted to homeschool or send the kids to public school (since we obviously can't afford private right now). i've had this overbearing sense for a while now that i do not want to homeschool. i would love nothing more than to spend every waking moment with my children... but i am not a teacher. i do not have the patience or the self-discipline to make sure they're getting the exposure that they need to ideas and concepts, and i don't have the knowledge or the skills to expose them to it in the right manner. this is all probably kinda amusing to my older friends, who've been listening to me bash public school and sing the praises of homeschooling since micah was born... so i guess i'm just gonna eat a little crow here. i can't help it, i have just completely changed my mind.
she seems excited. we left the house early today to drop josh off at work so i could use the car, and she said, "are you dropping me off at school today?" and her tone wasn't scared or apprehensive, it was excited. when i said no, she said, "oh" and sounded bummed. i explained that we have to get through today and the weekend, then she gets to start on monday. i'm bracing myself for a tough first week, but i hope things get easier after that.

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