my mom's side of the family has many food traditions: grandmommy's rice pilaf, pimento cheese sandwiches and pepsi on road trips, sweepie's homemade caramel candy every christmas, my aunt susan's pot roast... the list goes on. also on this special list are the zucchini muffins at highland park cafeteria (which isn't actually in highland park; it's in east dallas). my grandparents have been taking me to this restaurant since i was little. all their food is delicious, but the best thing on the menu is the zucchini muffins. they're on of the most nostalgic foods for me. the cafeteria closed for renovations for a while, and i was so relieved when they reopened! my mom and i went there recently for lunch, and i was able to get a picture for comparison purposes...
here's me, at about age 10, enjoying a zucchini muffin in my grandparents' living room (i vividly remember taking this picture. the same drapes are hanging in that window right now.)

and here's rowan, partaking in tradition... i love him : )
i think we look a little bit alike!
i think we look a little bit alike!
okay, sweetie, this is just too adorable for words. the zucchini muffin tradition lives on! and i think you look just like micah in the picture - wow!
yeah, i think i look micah too! ahhh, zucchini muffins... i remember after rowan was born i wanted them so badly i could've walked all the way there to get them!
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