Monday, February 9, 2009

i took micah and rowan to the pediatrician's office this afternoon for a round of immunizations. they each got another dose of the DTaP, IPV and Hib combo shot, and their first dose of the HepB. i hate, hate, hate taking them to get these shots. every time i'm holding them down while they scream bloody murder, and i'm watching the liquid go into their bodies, and i think, "there's formaldahyde in that... and aluminum..." and i go crazy. at the same time, a part of me relaxes knowing that they're that much more protected. all i really have to do when i start doubting the wisdom of vaccinations is look at the pictures i took of rowan in the hospital, on a ventilator, unconscious with a tube down his throat. i know that not vaccinating him didn't cause him to get epiglottitis, but i still blame myself in my heart for not protecting him.

anyway. micah was so wonderful at the doctor's office. she cooperated with the nurse when it was time to take her temp, listen to her breathing, weigh her, measure her, and even give the shots. rowan is always a little more wary of the nurses, maybe because of his experience. he hates being put on the exam table. if i could get the nurses to let me hold him, or even nurse him, while they give him the shot, i know it would go a lot smoother. i don't know if i'll have any luck with that, but i'm going to plead my case next month.

micah weighs 29 lbs. and is 37 in. tall, and rowan weighs 23 lbs... and i don't believe we got his height this time. i'll have to measure him the next time i'm at my dad's... he has a little height chart on the bathroom door for my kids.

i was at my dad's tonight, but without the kiddos. it was my night to watch 24 and enjoy my dad's yummy cooking. : ) tonight he made chicken spaghetti and garlic toast. i brought some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies i'd made for dessert. i got to watch a little of the australian open, too; my dad and brother are obsessed with tennis lately, so they made us watch it for a bit. i learned a lot about the rules, and discovered that it's actually fun to watch.

every night before i fall asleep, i picture us in our new house, the one in west garland that we found. i feel very strongly that it's going to be our home in a couple of months.

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