Monday, November 10, 2008

make it so

ahhh, what a wonderful day! i went to sleep last night happy and serene because i knew today was going to be fun, and it was. we slept late - 10:45 am. micah woke up in a great mood (rowan always wakes up in a great mood). i made french toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast, and a pot of coffee that was waaaaay too strong. :) it looked gloomy and cold outside, so we played in the playroom for hours. we played with dolls, pretended we were at school, read books, sang songs, and practiced letter recognition and sounding out words. turns out it wasn't cold out at all (looks can be deceiving), so at 3:30 pm we met my mom and little sister, maya, at JG's old fashioned hamburgers in dallas, near greenville ave. and LBJ. if you have never eaten here, you have to try it. my mom and i got our usual, the turkey bacon club sandwich, and micah and maya got grilled cheese sandwiches. rowan ate goldfish, some of micah's fries, and some of my sandwich - pre-chewed by me (you can say what you like, and i know we are not birds, but the kid has no molars, and he really wants whatever i eat!).

my sister maya is crazy about stickers (she'll be 5 years old in march), and when we get together she always brings a little batch of stickers for micah to play with. today's selection was foam paper-doll stickers: little naked foam people with little foam shirts, shorts, socks and hair to stick onto them. fun!!

on the way home from JG's my friend katherine called and wanted to hang out for a couple of hours before her dinner date. so we swung by home, picked her up, and took her with us on a couple of errands. we went to movie trading co. in plano to drop off two movies we'd rented, then we went to michael's arts & crafts to get some more of those cool stickers maya had introduced us to. they were on clearance, so we got two containers, one with more paper-dolls and one with animals. our dining room table is now densely populated by body-less, googly-eyed animals impaled on popsicle sticks, and naked foam people with no mouths. you're supposed to draw the mouths on with a pen. i guess the sticker manufacturers didn't want to impose a smile on children who may be feeling morose when dressing these foam people.

in the car with katherine on the way to movie trading co., we were talking more about letters and words. katherine's an english teacher, so she's all into this kind of stuff... we were saying words and asking micah if she knew which letter that word began with.

katherine: lion, l-l-lion... what letter does that start with?
micah: {silence}
me: does it start with the letter L? how about l-l-love, loooove. that starts with L too.
katherine: and leg, l-l-leg?
me: how about lacy lilting lilies losing love lamented? that starts with L.
micah: {pause} no it doesn't. you're drunk.

katherine and i proceeded to laugh ourselves into oblivion, and micah proceeded to use the word "drunk" to describe every single person she knows, hoping to get such a huge reaction again. :) (for those concerned about how my 3-year-old daughter may have come to learn the word "drunk", and how to use it in the proper context, we had just watched an episode of M*A*S*H in which hot lips accuses henry blake of being in that state.)

i was with micah and rowan today, mind, body and soul. what is really amazing to me, and what i continue to disregard on days when i try to hide myself away and then wonder why she is sooooo impossible... is that micah can feel the difference when i am %100 with her, and when i'm just going through the motions. she is so incredibly perceptive, and i feel this overwhelming sense that when she misbehaves, she is telling me loudly and clearly that she needs %100 of me. what's really reassuring is that i am fully capable of this, most days. as long as i have time to bathe myself, blog, read, and connect with josh... i can do this. i feel empowered by my own ability to change my thoughts, and my intentions.

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