Friday, November 28, 2008

thank you, for everything

thank you for mama and daddy. i can't even say anything else, just... thank you.
thank you for my soul mate husband, and for his absolutely unconditional love.
thank you for my soul mate children - for micah and her fire, for rowan and his earth.
thank you for naomi and her unwavering sense of self.
thank you for caleb and his uninterrupted enjoyment of life.
thank you for maya and her rainbows.
thank you for sweepie's angelic selflessness and grandmommy's purity of faith.
thank you for sheridan's sweeping eloquence and jo ann's fierce loyalty.

thank you for an old best friend who dropped everything and rushed to my side when i needed her at a moment's notice, and without a moment's hesitation.
thank you for a new best friend who holds and loves my children as if they were her own.

thank you for everything.

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