the park was fun tonight. there were lots of kids micah's age for her to run around with, and rowan had a blast climbing up the steps and sliding down the tunnel slide over and over. the kids were dressed warmly, but i forgot to grab my sweater, and i was wearing my birks with no socks. i was a little chilly. the kids' colds are definitely going away. micah hasn't coughed all evening, and their mucus has gone from thick and green to thin and clear. sorry, i know that's gross, but... yay!
now rowan is napping. he naps every day between 1 and 2 pm, then again around 6 pm. usually each nap is anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour long. that doesn't seem like a lot of sleep during the day to me, but i guess it's all he needs. he sleeps for 10 or 11 hours at night, usually only waking once, then nursing right back to sleep. his early nap today only lasted 10 minutes, so i'm expecting his evening one to be a little longer. which will mean he won't be ready to go down for the night until probably 10 or 11 pm. micah, on the other hand, hasn't napped today, and should be sleepy by 7:30 or 8 pm. she is just not an early riser. even when she falls asleep at 7:30 pm, she still sleeps until 9 or 10 am the next morning. i love it! if she does nap, however, even if it is a 10- or 15-min nap in the car in between errands... she absolutely will not go to sleep before midnight. i don't get it.
well, rowan napped no more than 20 minutes... and he is really cranky. at least he will go to sleep early tonight. i wonder if it's his bottom tooth bothering him, or if he's just tired of having a cold. i get so frustrated when he wakes up from his nap early like that, because i know if i got in bed with him and nursed him, he'd fall right back asleep. but i can't do that because micah won't be quiet and leave us alone. i love that she wants to be with her brother, but the minute she hears or sees him awake, she runs in and cuddles him, no matter what i say or do. i guess i need to try harder at occupying her with a video or something while he's asleep, so that if i need to run in there and help him fall back asleep, i can. it's hard having such a small home; micah and i have to play pretty quietly so as not to wake him up. it's also hard not having a bedrail or a crib-like apparatus. when rowan wakes up, he doesn't make a peep, he just starts rolling or crawling for the edge of the bed. he is still learning to turn himself around and go off the bed feet first, so sometimes if i don't make it into the bedroom in time, he takes a nose dive. it makes me edgy while he's asleep, so it's hard to get stuff done or enjoy time with micah. i can't wait until he's gotten the hang of getting down from the bed, then i'll be able to relax a little. i also can't wait until we can move into a bigger place, then i can shut the door to the kids' room where i'll have a bed set up for them to nap/sleep in, and buy a monitor.
i burned our dinner tonight. i was making this chicken fettuccine alfredo dish with bell peppers and mushrooms... and i burned it. damn. it was going to be yummy... luckily, my stepdad showed up minutes later with leftovers from babe's chicken house! yeah!
i am in a funk today. micah and i have had several squabbles ending with me yelling and her crying. the house is very messy and i am not motivated to clean or straighten at all. i haven't eaten well or often, and i've only gotten to talk to josh once, for just a few minutes. i think i'll call him right now, then go take a bubble bath with the kids and get in bed.
now rowan is napping. he naps every day between 1 and 2 pm, then again around 6 pm. usually each nap is anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour long. that doesn't seem like a lot of sleep during the day to me, but i guess it's all he needs. he sleeps for 10 or 11 hours at night, usually only waking once, then nursing right back to sleep. his early nap today only lasted 10 minutes, so i'm expecting his evening one to be a little longer. which will mean he won't be ready to go down for the night until probably 10 or 11 pm. micah, on the other hand, hasn't napped today, and should be sleepy by 7:30 or 8 pm. she is just not an early riser. even when she falls asleep at 7:30 pm, she still sleeps until 9 or 10 am the next morning. i love it! if she does nap, however, even if it is a 10- or 15-min nap in the car in between errands... she absolutely will not go to sleep before midnight. i don't get it.
well, rowan napped no more than 20 minutes... and he is really cranky. at least he will go to sleep early tonight. i wonder if it's his bottom tooth bothering him, or if he's just tired of having a cold. i get so frustrated when he wakes up from his nap early like that, because i know if i got in bed with him and nursed him, he'd fall right back asleep. but i can't do that because micah won't be quiet and leave us alone. i love that she wants to be with her brother, but the minute she hears or sees him awake, she runs in and cuddles him, no matter what i say or do. i guess i need to try harder at occupying her with a video or something while he's asleep, so that if i need to run in there and help him fall back asleep, i can. it's hard having such a small home; micah and i have to play pretty quietly so as not to wake him up. it's also hard not having a bedrail or a crib-like apparatus. when rowan wakes up, he doesn't make a peep, he just starts rolling or crawling for the edge of the bed. he is still learning to turn himself around and go off the bed feet first, so sometimes if i don't make it into the bedroom in time, he takes a nose dive. it makes me edgy while he's asleep, so it's hard to get stuff done or enjoy time with micah. i can't wait until he's gotten the hang of getting down from the bed, then i'll be able to relax a little. i also can't wait until we can move into a bigger place, then i can shut the door to the kids' room where i'll have a bed set up for them to nap/sleep in, and buy a monitor.
i burned our dinner tonight. i was making this chicken fettuccine alfredo dish with bell peppers and mushrooms... and i burned it. damn. it was going to be yummy... luckily, my stepdad showed up minutes later with leftovers from babe's chicken house! yeah!
i am in a funk today. micah and i have had several squabbles ending with me yelling and her crying. the house is very messy and i am not motivated to clean or straighten at all. i haven't eaten well or often, and i've only gotten to talk to josh once, for just a few minutes. i think i'll call him right now, then go take a bubble bath with the kids and get in bed.
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