Sunday, December 14, 2008

josh and i both woke up this morning with dry, scratchy throats and headaches. his sore throat has persisted throughout the day, and my headache lingered until just a few hours ago, when i finally relented and took two advil. the kids were extremely disappointed with our lack of energy and attention. micah had so many meltdowns i lost count, and rowan has played in nothing but his diaper all day long, and sometimes not even that because i didn't have the energy to chase him down after he squirmed away from me during a diaper change. sigh. i don't like days like this... the house is a wreck, and i don't care, i just want to go to bed. the kids and i napped from 5 to 7, so who knows when that will even happen. i hope i feel good tomorrow! i feel totally fine, now, just a little tired.

tonight i took micah grocery shopping with me while josh stayed home with rowan. micah and i had fun together; she brought one of her babies along and pushed it in the shopping cart. she's pretty strong for someone so little!

just a little while ago, rowan sneezed and sprayed apple all over the living room floor. : )

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