Monday, December 22, 2008

we slept in super late this morning! we're back on a rotten sleeping schedule, again... hopefully this will be corrected with the early mornings coming up this week.

i have joined the ranks of the employed once again. i met tonight with a couple who want to hire me to babysit their 10-week-old daughter every day while they work. i am quite excited to be a monetarily contributing member of our household again. : ) i'm also a little anxious about caring for three children every day... but at least, it will be at my house, where we already have routines and boundaries established. if i were to watch the baby at her house, i'd be spending all my time keeping my children from rearranging the furniture, unplugging things, tearing down walls, etc. plus, the parents of a 10-week-old have not necessarily made their house ready for a mobile child, much less a toddler and/or a preschooler. there would likely still be knick knacks, picture frames, and other various breakables within young arms' reach.

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