potluck buffet dessert tables really drive me crazy. after the big meal, i wander over to the big table covered in pies, cakes, brownies, cookies, candies, trifles, etc. i'm only ever hungry enough to try one, maybe two things. knowing i'll never have this precise selection of sweet treats laid before me again, i try to make my choice, wondering what two things would compliment each other best... will a cream cheese brownie taste better with an oatmeal cookie, or a little slice of cherry pie? or should i just get pie and a cookie, and skip the brownie, since it's so dense? or... what about cherry pie and vanilla ice cream, that'd be good. but then, i won't get to try the oatmeal cookies, and i really love oatmeal cookies... why can't someone just invent a pill you can swallow at the end of a meal that will dissolve everything you just ate, instantly absorbing the nutrients into your bloodstream but making your appetite return immediately. but of course there's nothing like that on the market, so inevitably, after making my selection and eating it and feeling way too full... i end up driving home with the uneasy feeling that i just missed out on a thousand other dessert combinations and will never have the chance to experience them again.
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